NumbersMatters Posts

The United Church of Canada (UCC) has compiled its stats for 2022.  They show little negative effect of Covid and even some real bounce back.  For those outside of Canada, the UCC is Canada’s most numerous protestant denomination.  It was…

Church Stats

David Goodhew has an interesting article on the Covenant web site (here and below) suggesting that TEC’s numbers may fall below those of ACNA in the next 20 years. It is certainly cause for thought about some of the things…


It is the season of “mellow fruitfulness” – harvest – and thus also the season for tithing.  At least it was until 1977 in England.  Today we will look at the connection between ten – as in the ten commandments…

Bible Numbers

In an interesting parallel to my developing series on Numbers in the Bible, CBC has a radio/podcast series called “The Greatest Numbers of all time”. It is a secular approach to significant numbers. But even a secular approach cannot avoid…


The Episcopal Church (TEC) has released their annual parochial statistics for 2022.  After a brief read three questions came to my mind – and after a more detailed look myself, and reading other commentators, those three questions are still there. …

Church Stats

How many online views equal one real person in Church? What formula should we use to equate Facebook, YouTube and Zoom hits? In this blog I want to take some time to consider the metrics available for online services and…

Stats Briefs

2022 was a significant year for online services in the ACC.  As we moved out of the Covid pandemic, dioceses and parishes had to make the decision whether to keep on with their online services or to drop them. In…

Church Stats

Everything you need to know about Church statistics Without falling asleep! The link below is to a small brochure I created a few years ago. It addresses some of the issues and misconceptions around church statistics. It was written before…

Start Here

Statistics and Research officer for the Anglican Church of Canada since 2016. Retired priest and regional dean serving the Church for 27 years in Derby and Birmingham, UK and Trail, BC, Canada. PhD in sociology of religion with a thesis…

Start Here

Last week the Times of London published a survey of Anglican clergy’s opinion on a range of matters*. The survey was itself controversial in terms of its design and the respondents, leading to some commentators questioning the whole validity of…

Stats Briefs