Category: <span>Stats Briefs</span>

Last week I wrote about the process and reasons for adding data items to the annual return. This week I am writing about the opposite – removing data items – and the very good reason(s) why. The Pentecostal Church of…

Stats Briefs

This year both the CofE and the Anglican Church of Canada will be asking for new data items.  In this blog I will consider why we do that and what is involved. The data items for the CofE are about…

Stats Briefs Uncategorized

What happens to the statistics we carefully collect and collate.  How are they used – if at all? In this edition we will look at myths, realities, and aspirations of using church stats NumbersMatters is also available as a podcast…

Stats Briefs

Should the Church be SMART or organic?  A recent Church Times article rails against episcopal managerialism and sets its sights on “targets” as the problem. In this week’s NumbersMatters I want to say why we need SMART targets now more…

Stats Briefs

How many online views equal one real person in Church? What formula should we use to equate Facebook, YouTube and Zoom hits? In this blog I want to take some time to consider the metrics available for online services and…

Stats Briefs

Last week the Times of London published a survey of Anglican clergy’s opinion on a range of matters*. The survey was itself controversial in terms of its design and the respondents, leading to some commentators questioning the whole validity of…

Stats Briefs

Stats Briefs