Category: <span>Reposts</span>

Below is a link to an interesting article about those who have no religious practice, but do not describe themselves as atheists. It poses the interesting question of what people do believe.


The Canadian “Anglican Journal” just put out an article on the 2022 statistics. There’s nothing surprising here – but I’m grateful that the data is getting out to the people in the pews.


David Goodhew has an interesting article on the Covenant web site (here and below) suggesting that TEC’s numbers may fall below those of ACNA in the next 20 years. It is certainly cause for thought about some of the things…


In an interesting parallel to my developing series on Numbers in the Bible, CBC has a radio/podcast series called “The Greatest Numbers of all time”. It is a secular approach to significant numbers. But even a secular approach cannot avoid…


   The article below reports the significant issues currently facing the Episcopal Church.   For those who do not have access to the UK Church Times, here are the salient points: “In 2010, there were 325 newly ordained priests, compared with…
