I feel an explanation is in order……. and this is the time and place to do so For many of those who read this blog, the reason that you do so will be rooted in a report I gave…
Author: <span>Neil Elliot</span>
Below is my report to General Synod in Late June 2023. Many of you will have seen this report at GS – albeit in the middle of a very big document. Others may not have seen it. The data was…
Why Twelve? Twelve is fundamental number in the Bible it appears almost 190 times in various configurations. Most importantly there are twelve tribes and twelve apostles. It is a special number, a holy number, a perfect number. But where…
The article below reports the significant issues currently facing the Episcopal Church. For those who do not have access to the UK Church Times, here are the salient points: “In 2010, there were 325 newly ordained priests, compared with…
Welcome to the Number Matters blog. Its a pretty small niche eh? I wonder who you are and why you are reading this. You may be a church stats nurd like me – but I doubt it – there’s…